Sunday, 5 December 2010

Inside Knowledge = Insider Trading And Globalism

If you or I were to withdraw our taxes, and go ”Global”, we would be hunted down, and possibly jailed. If you or I were already wealthy, and decided that we would go Global, and damn the rest of our kith and kin, well that’s ”good business” don’t you know?
But what about another, more sinister idea, one that revolves around powerful money men, and the Globalist agenda?

If you say the right things, and smack enough of your own people in the face, wallet, and cultural traditions, whilst pretending to give a damn about Africa etc, you can get inside information, or at the very least, enough of it, to save you lots of money in taxes. Bono, the Irish Rock band front man, and all round darling of Globalists and ”anyone but whitey” charity fund raiser, decided four years ago, to move all of his taxable assets out of his own country, and rob his people of much needed income and support. He presumably (allegedly) knew what was coming. In 2008, Ireland had already been lined up to be ”forced to vote twice” on the EU treaty, by letting interested parties know that:


French officials have penned an explosive document entitled ‘Solution to the Irish Problem’, in which they say the EU should push Ireland into re-running its referendum next year, opening the way for the treaty to come into force. In return, Europe would offer Dublin a few promises, in a bid to ensure its people vote in favour of the treaty. Critics say it is almost identical to the EU Constitution, rejected by the French and the Dutch in 2005.

Kraft who bought Cadbury Ltd, are now going to join hundreds of wealthy people and companies in robbing the British Exchequer of millions in Corporation Tax, by moving ”certain posts” to Switzerland, so as to cover legalities regarding ”slashing costs and restructuring”. The British company has gone from being a well respected employer, building homes for its workers, and providing assistance for them at many levels, to a Globalist money spinner, with foreign bosses who care little about traditional values and ethics. Only this week, tax campaigners staged various ”sit-ins” at Topshop branches in protest against ”tax avoidance” by business group group owner, Sir Philip Green. If people are becoming aware of what the British National Party has spent years warning our folk of, then surely with the internet still relatively free, we can engage the ordinary voter that, nothing less than bloc voting en mass, can secure a future for our children?

Insider Trading was in the news quite a lot when the Conservatives were in power, but it is now obvious that it matters not who controls the levers, as the whole damned lot of them are in it up to their noses. The Financial Services Authority (FSA), said back in March this year that, six men, including “two senior City professionals at leading city institutions and one City professional at a hedge fund,” had been arrested. They are suspected of involvement in “a sophisticated and long-running insider-dealing ring”. The watchdog added that it believed these City professionals passed on inside information to traders, who in turn “traded based on this information, and made significant profits as a result”. So what is the difference then, between Bono, Green, and hundreds of mainly foreign origin ”natives”, who know how the world system works, and the insider traders? Absolutely nothing… they are one and the same.

As patriots and Nationalists, we are observant when it comes to the rare TV programme worth watching, but another ”British” businessman, Lord Ashcroft, fond of supporting our war weary boys with his TV programme about heroic actions and terrible injuries, and spokesman for them through various mediums, is not so keen on putting his money where his mouth is. Although he enjoys collecting George Crosses, with a value of some millions, his non-Domicile status enabled him to engineer his position, just in time to avoid a tax request of £3.4 Million, the day before he was due to help his beloved nation by handing this over to the British taxman.. you know, to help the NHS, keep roads in good condition, pay back some of the billions ”we owe” to the Globalist banking club, and help the injured soldiers and families affected by the illegal war in Afghanistan.

The time may well be upon us all, when actions such as withdrawing ALL taxes, until we are satisfied with our government, and are at last free from the billions stolen from us each year by the unelected EU, bankers, and non-domicile ”fake British business” people. The whole of the western world’s people, and for that matter, the so-called independent states of Africa’s poverty stricken people, are literally being mugged and robbed by an elite, whose only goal is to keep control of the wealth we, and our ancestors, worked and died for. If another five years goes by, and little if anything changes, we may as well forget it, and line up for for rations at the local soup kitchen. The film stars, rock stars, and other parasites leeching off ordinary people by moving money around to save them more income, are part of the Globalist system that feeds nations incapable of looking after their own. The only problem is that of course, we are not immune.

Once thriving western rural, and industrial nations, where taxes were low, work was plentiful supply, and life was much simpler and healthier, are now so broken that only radical action will make the bloody parasites sit up and listen. As my recent article suggested, we should be looking at working with organisations such as ”The Tax Payers Alliance”, not only as a political bloc, but as individuals. Being in the know, and being part of the Global scam of ”famine relief” and national aid contributions, will give Bono and the like, unlimited scope to access even more boot licking, back slapping fame and fortune. People on that level, whose fans have paid for their wealth and lifestyles, then turn their backs on their countryfolk by taking hard cash out of the system, should not get away with this for one month longer.

As Nationalists, and even those reading this who are not bothered about politics etc, must understand that if the Global elite can take advantage of the system, then by knowing what we all know, every school leaver and older, can also be part of the ”Opposition To Insider Knowledge and Anti-Globalism campaign”, and do what is necessary and possibly act as suggested here. We have little time, let’s act, because if the lunatics and warmongers get their way, Europe will be joined politically, economically, and Socio-Culturally with Africa… and it will be more of our money that pays for it.


Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The Left... Crime, Perversion And Money

The Left... Crime, Perversion And Money

The left was formed in a snake pit of filth, crime, usury, and violence. By comparison, those smeared with the term ''Right-Wing'', are with a few exceptions, law abiding people, with families, careers, and a natural tendency towards healthy lifestyles and mental attitudes. It is hardly necessary to detail here, the origins and make-up of Communism and general leftist thinking, suffice to say it was alien, hateful, and it's roots are buried deep in the mists of the early 20th century, and a little before that even. The links forged with alien religions, and the damage done through this, have been recently proven once again, with work by Anjin Sama and the Green Arrow in highlighting an attack coming from a Muslim area in Serbia or thereabouts.

However, how many realise the links to organised serious crime, between governments past and present, have contributed towards an engineered state of affairs for the West? A few, but not many ordinary people. Mayer Lansky was well known enough to have been chosen for ''war work'' in America by it's corrupt, and some say, Communistic leadership. He broke up nationalist rallies, and was extremely violent towards activists who did not want the US involved in what many saw as a war against brothers. Crime and government seem to go together. We all know of course that David Cameron signed his name amongst a list of those opposing the BNP.

From it's earliest days, Left Wing opinion was steeped in the dual role of money, and Socialist causes. The so-called Right-Wing, especially Nationalists, were from that moment on, treated as though they were criminals. The banking fraternity was without doubt, the source of great wealth for Marxists, Trotsky, and others, who took it upon themselves to create a private army of haters, and violent thugs. In fact, it got so bad in the United States that a little known law was passed. The ''1919 California act'', defined "criminal syndicalism" as any doctrine or precept advocating, ''teaching, or aiding and abetting the commission of crime, sabotage, or unlawful acts of force, as a means of accomplishing a change in industrial ownership, or effecting any political change." Criminal syndicalism was thus a felony punishable by imprisonment.

The above may be surprising to many readers, because it was in the post war era in the US that, Communism was mostly vilified and those attached to it, punished by the state. My my, how things have changed. The left tried hard to cause havoc in America, and here in Britain, but it just didn't work the way they wanted it. Sadly, through the same criminal links, ''jobs for the boys'', and special handshakes, money laundering and financiers grouping together to bring about ''Social Change'', it has now actually come about. Modern criminals and ''adult industry'' bosses, now seem to offer every opportunity going, to the very types who once faced years of jail, or humiliation in the public eye. Even Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, apologised for delivering an ''anti-communist speech'' during an informal European Union summit dinner, attended by non other than former President Bush. So how powerful is the link between Communists/Socialists, and the money men of the world?

The criminals who have entered politics since the end of the second world war, have made billions collectively out of smashing our once gleaming and world renowned industrial might. They have stripped us of our dignity, robbed us of our pensions, and with the foreign owned parasites in the banking world, created a hotbed of interracial, multi-cultural problems, and caused many people to flee from the towns and cities of their birth. But, what do the criminals of the left do? Yes, blame the so-called ''Capitalists'' whom they know full well, funded Marx and other ''icons'' of theirs. This is what Workers Liberty say about all this:

Crime waves and gun battles sell newspapers. If you believe the media, we live in a war zone, terrorised by feral children and gangsters. Such press coverage is, in reality, a libel on working-class areas. Politicians just love the momentum this gives them to parade their "toughness" again. However, there is a real problem of crime and anti-social behaviour in working-class areas. It is not just a fiction composed by right-wing politicians and journalists. People rate this issue amongst their top concerns not because they have fallen for the hype but because it is happening to them... repeatedly burgled; kept awake all night; can't walk round the estate or use the play facilities because it is too dangerous.

So why not admit it then, and be honest about the real causes? Because that would not go down well with those who fund your websites and organisations, that's why. It's all rather easy to say the ''Working classes are the ones being left out of society'', but we know you were all silent when it was elderly white grannies and old folks being mugged, and girls being groomed by Muslim youths, and other anti-white crimes. Crime is pandemic in Socialist countries, and because poverty is a social engineering tool for your banking friends and funders, the leftists cannot admit that it is multi-culturalism and immigration fueling the worst and most violent crimes. Of course, they are right in one thing: When it comes down to it, it is personal experiences of crime and violence that makes people wake up and moan. The only ''libel on working class areas'', is that we have had our inheritance stolen, our pensions ruined, and our very freedoms oppressed.

When Engels and Marx were writing about the causes of crime, as is the case with modern Socialists, the emphasis was always found to be around ''The Class System'', and that crime was the only way out for the poor. In immigrations terms, they are right, but what fed this system, was the fact ethnic groups competed against another, especially where one group was either indigenous, or had long-held roots there. In the 1920's and 30's, Britain went through terrible periods of depression, and social deprivation, but there were no muggings to speak of, and the elderly were always safe. In America, we saw riots, mass disobedience, and outright criminal destruction in Black areas, and this has been seen where ever the Afro-American, or Afro-Caribbean community has found a home. Criminals at the highest levels of our society, have for decades fostered race problems, and ''White racism'' as the be all and end all.

In truth, there was very little evidence that racism was the culprit, and the Marxists know it. Intellectual criminals such as the various advisers and financial backers of Conservative and Labour governments, have controlled all thought and laws in this regard. So bad is the situation, that a Rapist has now forced Cameron to heed to the EU about rights etc, and we now face added problems as prisoners are likely to get the right to vote. Forget left and right, and forget the pretentious ''opposition'' parties here, we are now being controlled by the left, and as has always been the case, the leftist thinkers and alien law-makers here, in America, and Europe, have always used crime and criminals to their advatage.... after all, Christians know full well that, ''left'' is evil, and ''right'' comes from Righteousness. The Left is abnormal, criminally insane, and it is the left-wingers who use the red flag... red is for blood, danger, and unnatural tendencies. Is it no wonder then, we are living in the most dangerous, and crime fueled era know to any generation of Britons?


Sunday, 31 October 2010

Take a gander at this.

Banana Republic Britain
by Paul Weston

As the haunting wail of the Muezzin — recently described by Barack Obama as the sweetest sound in the world — roused the slumbering Pakistani inhabitants of Mirpur, Kashmir, to Morning Prayer, young Sammy Mohammed was awakened somewhat more brutally by the boot of local Mirpurian MP, Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry.

“By ’eck Sammy lad, tha lazy young beggar, tha’ll not be thwarting democracy in Britain by festering in t’pit all day, by gum. Hand over them proxy votes sharpish, me lad, lest tha want thy backside tanning!”

The beginning of a satirical article? I am afraid not. It is routine practice for dual-nationality Pakistanis residing in Kashmir to sign thousands of proxy vote forms for the British General Election, in order that their Pakistani brothers in Britain may use them to subvert our democracy.

One “British” Mirpuri resident described the blind signing of the electoral proxy votes thus:

“They said I didn’t have to fill in any details, just to sign my name at the bottom of the form,” he says, smiling. “So I signed two…I personally know 25 other people who did the same thing, lots of people just on this street, but everybody does it.”

Having collected thousands of forms, Pakistani politicians such as Sultan Chaudry hop on the Kashmiri red-eye to Britain, where they distribute said forms amongst the many Muslims in our vibrantly diverse, exotic and eclectic multicultural cities, whilst advising them where their fraudulent vote should be cast to best represent their decidedly un-diverse and un-vibrant 7th Century mono-culture. In a BBC interview conducted in Manchester, Chaudry said:

“I’m here for the 6 May election. I always come during elections…it’s basically so I can tell people how to vote and who to vote for…most of the Pakistanis here are from Mirpur, and I am the MP from Mirpur, and I know the issues here and who will be the best candidates to help solve the issues in Kashmir.”

Even more astonishing than Pakistani politicians visiting Britain to tell the “British” electorate who to fraudulently vote for in order to solve the Kashmir Question, is the positively surreal concept of British politicians travelling to Pakistan to woo the local vote for precisely the same reason. That this actually happens is a damning indictment on how reliant Labour/Socialist politicos have become on the Third World vote if they are ever to regain power.

Many people will be flabbergasted that such Third World practices can occur in Great Britain. These flabbergastees however, do tend to be foreign. The British, immersed in a cauldron of rapidly warming multicultural soup and floating alongside a clearly overheating yet curiously blasé frog, have been subjected to such a relentless barrage of propaganda over such a lengthy period of time that most fail to realise what is being done to both themselves and their country.

And it gets much worse.

A few thousand peripatetic Kashmiri proxy votes pale into insignificance when compared to the postal voting fraud that is now endemic in what was once the seat of European democracy. When the Labour Party introduced postal voting on demand, they did so in the full knowledge it would create massive fraud, yet were more than happy knowing that the fraud would benefit Labour above all other parties.

How does one apply for a postal vote, or even multiple postal votes? Simply download a form from the Electoral Commission, make up a name(s) and address, and one or more postal votes will miraculously appear on your doormat. It does not need to be your own name, of course, and if you are one of the 100 bogus-named people living in a solitary two-bedroomed flat in Tower Hamlets, it is unlikely you will even be investigated, particularly if you register at the last possible moment before the election.

In other words, you do not need to exist in order to gain multiple postal votes. Taking it even further, some houses do not even exist! A row of terraced properties may end at number 64, but whilst the wraith like apparitions of numbers 66-70 may not actually exist in reality, the local postman, Mr Abdul Aziz, knows very well where he should deliver the extra 200 postal votes designated for the non-people within the non-houses.

The Electoral Commission simply cannot keep up. Multicultural Britain is experiencing such a massive racial and demographic shift that to track and record individuals has become an utterly impossible task. Particularly so when each official form is printed and distributed in over 20 different languages before being processed by staff who among them speak only three.

This has led to dangerous levels of fraud. In 2004, Judge Richard Mawley QC presiding over an electoral vote-rigging case in Birmingham had this to say: “The (postal vote) system is wide open to massive, systematic and organised fraud that would disgrace a banana republic.”

Shortly before the 2010 election, the police were investigating upward of 50 cases of electoral fraud, principally in Labour-controlled areas. Since the election this number has climbed to 81 cases, but little has happened since, because the alleged fraudsters were invariably Muslim and the police are loath to prosecute for fear of appearing “racist.”

In a scarcely believable precedent, Commonwealth electoral monitors were despatched to Britain to scrutinise the election result for the first time in our history, with one native from Zimbabwe suggesting that Britain lagged far behind Mr Mugabe’s regime when it came to democracy. He cited as an example the fact that Zimbabweans could only vote once, because indelible ink was applied to their finger après-vote, whilst non-existent “ghosts” in Britain could make multiple postal votes with no checks whatsoever.

And it is hard to argue with him on this point. Dear God, who would have thought a few years ago that by 2010 Britain could be accused of being a banana republic by Zimbabwe! And still we refuse to wake up.

But we need to. Before the Labour Party came to power it was impossible to register to vote once the election had been called. Labour changed this to allow registration up to 11 days after the election was called. This time-frame allows people to register and vote before any checks to prove their existence can feasibly be carried out — which is exactly what was intended.

The result of this has been an upsurge in postal voting applications, sometimes up to 200% higher than in the previous election. In ex-Home Secretary Jack Straw’s constituency of Blackburn, postal voting was running at 30% of all votes cast compared to only 15% as a national average. In the month before the election, some half a million new “voters” registered with the Electoral Commission, representing an increase of almost one fifth since the election of 2005.

One voter of Pakistani origin, who requested anonymity for fear of reprisals, told The Independent newspaper that postal vote fraud in Blackburn was widespread. “It’s worse than Birmingham, the mosque committee is 100 per cent Labour. They control the mosque. They frighten the people.” Teams of Muslims were seen distributing and collecting sheaves of postal ballot papers which were picked up on street corners en-route to the “sealed” ballot box.

This assertion is backed up by Craig Murray, Britain’s former ambassador to the central Asian republic of Uzbekistan, who was campaigning in Blackburn to unseat Jack Straw. The challenge was rather unsuccessful as it transpired because Mr Straw allegedly achieved 90% of the vote, a margin unheard of outside North Korea. Mr Murray told the Independent:

“I’ve come from Uzbekistan to Blackburnistan…this is very much a Labour rotten borough…there is a nexus of the police, the authorities and business — if we were in the Soviet Union, you would say mafia.”

The Independent is a liberal leaning newspaper experiencing a number of “teachable moments” as Mr Obama might say. Alerted to a possible massive postal voting fraud in Bangladeshi controlled Tower Hamlets, East London, the newspaper sent intrepidly bearded Jerome Tayler to investigate as to why “there have been as many as 20 Bengali names supposedly living in two or three-bedroom flats. When journalists have previously called, all too often there are far fewer living there, in some instances, no Bengalis at all.

Poor Mr Tayler discovered that the locals take exception to being investigated by impertinent young infidel reporters, even if they are liberal and bearded, and having declined to answer his questions gave him a good pasting instead. Given a few more unsuccessful missions into bandit country looking for the source of fraudulent postal ballot papers, it is possible that Mr Tayler may even refer to his assailants as politically driven Muslims rather than “poverty stricken Asians.”

Just in case these fraudulent postal ballots could be detected after the election, the Labour Party allowed them to be mixed in with the ballot papers from local polling stations, where, although identification is not required (why not?) at least faces are recognised and names crossed off a list. As such, any individual attempting to cast multiple ballots in a polling station would be quickly recognised and rumbled, so the vast majority of these ballots are therefore legitimate.

This is not the case of course for the postal voters, which is precisely why postal voting has experienced such a massive upsurge and precisely why Labour Party officials were so keen to lose the fraudulent postal ballots amongst the legitimate polling station ballots.

This destruction of British democracy, although appalling in itself, is not of the highest importance unless the fraud actually affected the election results, but now we learn that it has. In the May 2010 British General Election, the Conservative Party failed to gain a majority by the slimmest of margins, with only a handful of constituency seats swaying the result. This recently led Conservative Party Chairman, Baroness Warsi, to make the extraordinarily explosive claim that The Conservative Party failed to win a majority because of “Asian” electoral fraud.

Just before the election, ex- MP Martin Bell suggested that the result could be decided by electoral fraud. And so it has been proven. It is not a surprise that by importing the Third World you become the Third World, but what is surprising is our reaction to the very real subversion of our ancient and bloodily defended democracy — which is that of total appeasement and dhimmitude.

The idea that British democracy has been subverted by Socialist enabled Muslim fraud is an enormous front page story. Or it should be, yet having broken the potentially biggest story in Britain so far this century, Baroness Warsi and the press have become strangely reticent. Her appearance on BBC “Question Time” has been cancelled and the MSM, although not exactly in deep denial, are hardly giving this astonishing claim the attention it deserves.

Even liberals must be starting to realise why Islam, when translated, means Submission. If Muslims can illegally alter the course of a British General Election with barely a word of criticism or investigation — based on our fear of them — then we are in terrible, terrible trouble and that trouble can only become worse.

The multicultural cauldron we Brits share with the overly-optimistic frog is still only warm, but within a generation and the doubling of our Muslim population it will be boiling. The Authorities could turn the heat down if they so wished, but they appear dedicated instead to turning it into a pressure cooker with the lid tightly screwed down, seemingly unaware that the rapidly building steam must eventually find a release somewhere.

And nothing can build the steam quicker than favouring the enemy above your own soldiers and airmen. Whilst I may have given the impression that is remarkably easy to obtain voting rights in Britain, this is not always the case. Members of our Armed Forces for example find it very difficult indeed.

In one of the more perverse outcomes of Socialist rule, we find that whilst British Pakistanis fighting against the British Army in Afghanistan may use their proxy/postal vote to influence British democracy, British soldiers, fighting for their country at the behest of their government, find themselves disenfranchised. It is estimated that in 2005 eighty per-cent of our armed forces were disqualified from voting.

British Forces used to register for elections just once in their career, but this was changed in 2001 by the Labour Government, who decreed the register must be signed annually, unlike the British Muslims shooting at them, who, having registered for a postal vote, are then entitled to it for life.

The Ministry of Defence claimed our soldiers were notified. Not very well though it would seem. The vast majority had no idea of the 2001 rule change, leading Lord Garden, a Lib Dem defence spokesman to remark: “It’s rather sad that we send our military personnel off to establish democracy and set up elections in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, but don’t make enough arrangements for them to vote here.”

Quite so, but Lord Garden labours under the misapprehension that we are a fully functioning democracy rather than a discredited banana republic. And just because our curiously silent Conservative rulers and mainstream media appear disinterested in the death of our democracy, this does not mean all the people are similarly apathetic.

Banana republics are inherently unstable and violent. We are already witnessing the early stages of civil war in England, as the native EDL square up to foreign Islam and their Communist allies. The next few years will witness interesting developments in the art of “steam management.”

Saturday, 30 October 2010

The Past Is Not Another Country
As we head towards the Christmas and Yuletide festivals, and yet another year passes us by, not only will we all be thinking of those we knew, and loved, but many Nationalists will be thinking: Has it really all gone too far? And also: Are we doomed to fight each other and relinquish our land to others, whilst we continue division within the ranks? Some may even be preparing for the American idea of Racial Armageddon and Social Breakdown. Others, such as the average BNP voter, will be thinking along the lines of more simplistic and personal financial problems that lie ahead. Whatever your personal views, we all know the future is bleak to say the least. Having said all that, as thinkers, activists, writers, and Philosophers, one or two particular subjects and questions are crucial: Can the future be engineered to our advantage, and can we use our ancient knowledge and Socio-Cultural traditions to facilitate a renaissance? As you see from the picture above, it only takes the creation of the right atmosphere, and acting upon the feelings produced and promoted to enthuse the majority into action, and much can be achieved in a relatively short time. In recent articles, ranging from the London Patriot ( to this very site, the main BNP site, the Black Country Patriot( and our friends at the and West Wales Patriot site (, there are articles written by different people that, to all intents and purposes, link up and potentially solve problems including how to break the chains of bondage, and kill the parasites that have made us into beasts of burden. With Marxist hate propaganda now in full swing, even our children seem to be targeted in the most ugly manner. Over the past ten years or so, hair colour and pigment has been used by the media, and PC prone Experts, to undermine the confidence of Blond and Red headed parents and children. Pheomelanin, a yellow to red pigment, is supposedly dying out. Blond and red heads contain predominantly Pheomelanin. This goes against all we actually see, as the blond and red headed children, including my own, are actually everywhere that European and British people are. In the distant past (Pre-Roman) European people, ranging from the Norse and Germanic folk, the Ancient Britons, and right down to the Mediterranean, cultures, were based upon art, architecture, invention, and the kind of Socio-Political and economic order we could only dream of today. An example of the real history of our kind is sometimes hard to locate, due to the foreign owned media, entertainment and political infrastructure of it's leadership and staff etc, but upon reasonably easy, and steady research by even a remotely interested person, the shock is sometimes worth it. Shock, What shock? The shock of knowing that war was actually a rarity, and that to create the aforementioned societies, there could not have been unrest and wars on a massive scale, otherwise societies could not have achieved such superior levels. Yes, it is true that envy and land-grabbing by genetically similar peoples did prove fatal at times, but the essentially untainted, homogeneous ancient societies, were left to go their own way, and traded and communicated with each other fruitfully. Some scholars who have been far more realistic, and less Marxoid (Politically Correct), have used the terms Hellenisation, or Hellenistic, to cover this period of our development. However, as nice as this sounds, the reality is far more older, and far more widespread than was previously believed. Modern schoolchildren and even older, supposedly free thinking students, know almost nothing about the true European peoples. At just 8%, we cannot afford much more loss of land mass, and loss of our blood to go with that land mass. Arthur Kemp's March Of The Titans ( produces much more complex and detailed information than an article here, but this article is intended to create a re-energising of reason, and a semblance of intellectual debate, so as to push forward options for our survival and ultimate renaissance in physical and mental form. So then, what about our future? Regardless of media and entertainment propaganda, only philosophy = action will unite and enthuse our people into a potential renaissance. We've had, and still have political activism. We've had articles, debate, and ideas. We've got websites and blogs galore, but we still manage to argue and fracture ourselves... let's get on with it please folks. Ancient civilisations all seem to have two things in common... ideals, then destruction. Arguments as to what causes societies to implode and self-destruct, are numerous. However, foreign meddling and political parasitism, leading to social unrest, immigration, and loss of industrial/artistic ownership and intellectual ideas, are at the forefront of this implosion. The future could be the picture that accompanies this article. One picture like this, brings one to think of beauty, warm sunny weather, growth, social order, good food, fresh water-a-plenty, and a criminal community so small, no one would even notice or care about them once out of sight and mind of the rest of society. With the past, some of it not widely known, the future could find solace, and Visa-Versa. If instituted, a future umbrella organisation, could for example, re-introduce the ancient idea of Guilds. British Druids for instance, were instrumental in educating young Belgae (Belgium) folk, but how many are aware of this fact? The current Queen herself, has been a druid since 1946 when she was inducted into the Welsh Gorsedd of Bards, and although many now wonder why the Monarchy has been so silent regarding the EU and world establishment/government, such an organisation, well funded, and well supported by our people world-wide, could offer one last chance to our monarchy. Let's be honest, even though some of us are not enamoured by Sovereignty etc, every single tribe, nation, and era, was founded on the basis of Kings and Queens. Opportunities would be on our terms, and showing honour and valour like Queen Elizabeth, and before her, King Alfred, and later, Queen Victoria, would vindicate them, and make them acceptable to us. Republics, democracies, and everything in between, have failed. If we want this, and future generations to be creative, artistic, intellectually sharp, inventive, and able to protect our kith and kin, then we must re-create not only a medium term Boudicca City, as a previous article suggested, but eventually, we must produce the physical, educational, socio-economic, and architectural bedrock that will supply the next generation of white folk, with the armour and weaponry required to live a peaceful, productive, and happy life. One only has to look at Rome itself, and although war-like, and enjoying empire status through military supremacy, Rome, and the Romans, were extremely inventive, relatively artistic, peaceful, and enjoyed architecture that is still envied today. Not only in the city itself was this beauty seen. Their Aqueducts, Viaducts, and drainage systems were brilliant examples of innovative, clean, and civilised living. The drainage systems were in fact, known to have been in existence in pre-Romano European cultures also... So much for us being savages eh? Our future is an open book, and we have been, as Nationalists, the only ones stopping the greasy, money-grabbing hands of our ancient enemies from closing it. That book is as yet unfinished... I and others sincerely hope you join me in ensuring that when it is finished, it is beautified with pictures like the one above. Pictures that not only represent nature as shown, but represent what we want in full, and that it is solely our words and deeds, which provide everything leading up to the final chapter, and those words used to signify the closing chapter are simply literature, and not literal - The End.

Monday, 23 August 2010

In the second in a series of darkly humorous pieces, following on from the last one which introduced humorous terms such as ''Old Style People'' and ''new style people'' etc, BC1959 hopes this article will make you smile, and get us righteously angry. This fictional story takes place sometime between 2012 and 2015 in Britain, and draws upon actual current events, and humorous possibilities.

As dawn broke over his once thriving, and relatively crime free town, Paul awoke to the fresh smell of coffee. ''
Come on Paul, it's time to get up, you've got your interview today, and I've managed to scrape up the ''toll money'' for the journey by putting off the Winterfest savings until next week.'' His wife, Jane, was frantically trying to enthuse Paul, and juggling her time between three jobs. Paul showered, ate his breakfast of special ''breakfast biscuits'', and off he went. He was not looking forward to the journey, as he had to pay the new toll fee of £5.00 for his trip. New EU rules state that: ''If a driver can be within one Kilometre of his or her final destination before 4pm, no further fee is required on return''.

Obviously, the hundreds of faceless Bureaucrats in Brussels, conveniently forgot that most companies, those still in business, close around 5pm or even half past, making it impossible for Paul to get anywhere near his home for that time. Paul was also furious that the journey each day, would now cost £10, and also that the term ''Kilometer'' instead of Mile, was used, when this was in fact Great Britain. The interview he was dreading, was not for another job, but to keep his own. A points system had been put in place, and based upon his commitment to his job, time-keeping, and other related EU dictates, such as his willingness to train '
'ethnic minorities'' up to his own qualification, he would be given another three month contract.

This was a very bad day indeed. Paul was given notice that he would not be given another contract, even though he'd been there for six years and was fully qualified. He was not in good spirits on his return. As he handed his swipe card over to the Turkish toll operator, he raised his eyebrows, shook his head, and uttered '
'Funny how you've got a job, and I'm handing over a tenner to a foreigner after losing mine''. That was not the end of it either. His ''redundancy'' letter soon followed, apparently, he'd been ''let go'' because he had not gained enough points. His attitude toward the training of foreign immigrants was deemed ''contrary to what employers and the government expects regarding the racially motivated intolerance of employee number EU189, otherwise known as Paul Smith''. Both Paul and Jane were furious, but nothing could be done other than Paul looking for another job... at 44 years of age.

Still, things seemed better on the other side of the street, and not everyone is having bad luck. Former HAS (Homosexual Asylum Seeker), Brigstock Williams, is delighted with the EU... oops, sorry, Home Office decision to allow him to stay on in Britain. His home, the three bed Council House former home of Mr and Mrs Clive McAllister, a war veteran 89, and wife aged 86, has been handed over to him. Mr and Mrs McAllister, were told to leave their home of 60 years, because they do not need such a large house, and West Indian Mr Williams, is seeking Asylum because of his country's
''Homophobic oppression''. The McAllister's now live in a small council flat, ten stories up, and will enjoy their meals delivered to them, which include ''Halal'' approved meat.

It's been a year now, and West Indian ''
Homosexual'' Mr Williams surprised neighbours and officials, by having a large wedding, and his bride, Lara, went on honeymoon to Jamaica... strange how the oppressed bounce back after a year on the ''Benefits Riviera''... otherwise known as Great Britain. Also understandable (if you don't want to argue with officials) is the change in the sexuality of Mr Williams, who now seems to prefer females and holidaying in a supposedly hostile place of birth. Whilst listening to the state news, Paul and Jane decide to take up the offer of help from various, tax payer funded organisations ''to get people back to work''. Angry and disappointed, Jane trawls through the paperwork, and Paul goes off to the many offices (employment centres) to be interviewed. He comes home, week in, week out, with the same job titles under his arm. Surely this can't be happening he thinks. After his thirtieth CV is sent out, a company providing ''opportunities for all'' rings him, and invited him to attend a meeting. This he does, and Jane, now only doing one job, because needy immigrants from Turkey and Africa have been employed, is very anxious he gets this position.

With money now in short supply, Paul and Jane wishing to get out of their increasingly ''
diverse'' community, as proven by Police presence at the local school, where the new curriculum includes stabbing, shootings and other third-world pass times for white people to be ''enriched'', he comes home with good news. ''I've got the job'', he shouts to Jane. ''Great, when do you start'' she asks. He starts Monday, and as long as he can ''car share'', and donates a percentage of his income to ''The Worldwide Fund For The Reconstruction Of White Europe'', Paul is excited at getting the job, as there were over 1000 applicants. The manager told him he was successful because of the laws relating to ''Ethnic Quotas''. Paul was amazed. ''How do you mean'' he enquired. ''You are the only white European'' smiled the manager as he spoke. ''But I'm white English or British'' replied Paul. ''Yes, we saw your application, and because of your inflexibility towards ethnic groups in your last job, we altered it to fill the quota as ''There's no such thing as British''.

Sadly, Paul's job, and Jane's last hope, her part time job at a local University, were not to last. Paul was replaced by a 22 year old Iranian chap, taken on after not being able to gain employment following his 5 years studying at ''Uni'', to become a qualified business manager in the Health Service. Jane's job ceased to exist, because '
'European Union ethnic quotas'' dictated that there were too many ''White European people'' there, and so, after all the hard work, graft, grovelling, and avoiding serious trouble locally, both were now defunct. The Smith's sold their home for a fraction of it's real worth, and took their young son out of the local school. The house they were once proud of, now sits uninhabited, and neighbours are left wondering what that smell is. The Vietnamese owners are only seen twice every month, and flit in and out of the premises at ridiculous hours... still, some people work funny hours don't they?

After their entry into the realms of ''
The New World Order'', the Smiths are left wondering what went wrong, after all, they ate the right foods that the media and big business told them was good for them. Their brains were sharper and they were supposedly able to think clearer and physically be more active. Why did they not see this coming if they were that much of a ''modern, Liberal family'' then? They had adhered to all the rules, and went to the various ''Community Activities'' to engage with Black and Asian people. Exactly why, they thought, should they end up with nothing to show for their ''good citizenship''?
Anyway, the good news is, (for the establishment) the Smiths are refusing to integrate with part of the 8% of white folks left on the planet, in their new community. They refuse to engage with ''the Racist BNP'' candidate, and have told her in no uncertain terms, where to go. They will soon be working for Tax Payer funded organisations, set up to oppose Nationalist groups, and extremists.

Yes, both Paul and Jane, are now fully involved, salaried, and contracted to '
'The Worldwide Fund For The Reconstruction Of White Europe''. Their new neighbours, Mr and several Mrs Khan, are lucky to have them so near, as they are both ''heads of department'' in this organisation. The Smiths new job, involves searching though thousands of files, to ''filter out names of those in far-right groups'', and introduce disadvantaged ''ethnic minorities'' to further education. Little Alan Smith, now in a lovely, ''vibrant'' school, enriched to Ninety Eight percent, knows what it is like to be a white minority child. After some bullying, in which he is called names, abused racially, and put in a corner of the class, because he ''used racist language'' whilst asking a teacher ''why he was the only white kid in class'', he now understands that ''racism is only a white crime''. Happy and contented in this knowledge, young Alan can look forward to further education when he is older, just like the immigrants, can't he?

Hundreds of immigrants, so disadvantaged, under privileged, and poor, are sent to ''Uni''. And as Alan grows up into a fine, state sponsored ''
World Citizen'', he and his family will have years of looking forward to their opportunities... They never come though, as University places are now so over subscribed, what with disadvantaged minorities and people from non-working backgrounds that, Alan has now got a job at a new, multi-million Euro supermarket. His days are full of stacking shelves, stock taking, and along with dozens of University Graduates, some whom graduated five years earlier, takes home the minimum wage.

His parents have never had it so good, and with their large, performance related,
''Guardian Careers'' style job, make enough money to go on foreign holydays to ''Emerging Economy'' countries, and do charity work whilst watching the building of Nuclear factories, enjoying the flies, cholera, and being relieved of their cash in various ways. Once back, the ugly face of ''Racist Politics'' greets them, as a full campaign by the local British National Party is underway. They are disgusted with the policies of ''this group'', because they spread lies about the government, the EU, and the immigrant crime wave. There's no such thing you see, after all, what Mr and Mrs Smith are really worried about, is losing their well paid jobs, and risk having their son awake to the fact he is now a slave, and a milk cow to the EU tax take. We can't have that can we?

Monday, 4 January 2010

Treason and infamy.

Mrs Elizabeth Beckett.
There are quite a few ladies with this name, and you probably associate it with a "horse faced harridan". Well this Elizabeth Beckett was as far removed from that old nag as you could possibly get. Mrs Beckett was a tireless campaigner for truth and justice, and never gave up the fight for it until she died in 2009 at the goodly age of 89. This was a lady who took on the might of the 'Fabians' we have in control of our country (and I include the Tories in this).
Now I may shock a few readers with this statement, but it does not make it any less true.
HM Queen Elizabeth and her advisors, are complicit in the destruction of the United Kingdom, and are therefore, along with every single PM and politician who, with knowledge of the coming invasion transferred our Sovereign powers to the 'European Union' guilty of treason.

How does someone defend themselves against the penalty for Treason?
Well, if you repeal 'The Treason Act', then you are no longer at risk of summary trial and retribution are you. Now ask yourself, why, if you are not guilty of treason would you wish to repeal 'The Treason Act' just before you leaving office? (and don't use HRA please, that is a sop to save the leaders of other countries from the same charge).

I have taken the liberty of pasting part of an article from 'Rugfishandpolitics'.

Tony Blair had the death penalty for treason repealed shortly before leaving office. In the case of Rex-v-Thistlewood (1820)

Treason was defined as ‘any action which attempts to overthrow or destroy the Constitution’ being the words of the Treason Act 1795 which Tony Blair repealed. Blair has been Chairman, or in politically correct terms ‘Chair’ of the Fabian Society. He unveiled George Bernard Shaw’s ‘Fabian Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ stained glass window at the London School of Economics in 2007. But what is the true nature of the Fabian Society? It’s image is that of a socialist ‘think tank’, but its influence worldwide since 1884 has been enormous. In his paper “Communist” Councils in New Zealand John Christian describes the Fabian Society thus -- "a mixture" of Fascism, Nazism, Marxism and Communism all bundled together. However, it is much more deadly because it is much more clever and subtle. The only difference between Fabian Socialism and Communism is that Communists take your house by directly sending in the "secret police" to knock your front door down ? Fabian Socialists do it much more subtly and cleverly ? by "gradually" taking your individual rights away, by "gradually" increasing property taxes and rates, and finally, when you can't pay them, they send in their regional "council tax inspectors" to take your house away ? but the end result is the same’.


In the USA fabians= the CFR.(Council on Foreign Relations) aka The Frankfurt School.

Follow these links for more about Mrs Beckett and what she fought for.
I leave you with this quote.


“I do it for my children, grandchildren and for all our ancestors - all those who have died for our freedom. Do you want to see your children in chains? I was in India during the war and knew about the fight against the Japanese and I knew about the earlier war and I quote John Edmonds...

‘When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today’” ~ John Maxwell Edmonds (1875 -1958)